Assorted projects I’ve contributed to, both professionally as well as side projects. More at GitHub.
While I’m unable to list certain work publicly, feel free to ask if you have questions.
Open Source Contributions

Open Data Monitor
Open government dataset diff tracking, presented in a Newsfeed style. FE, Sync code
TypeScript, React, Next.js, SWR, Socrata, SQL

Strong Stateless Sessions
Session-like UX with zero server side state. Built with scaling in mind + modern websec.
TypeScript, pgSQL, React, GraphQL, Node.js, PostGraphile.

Apollo Link Token Refresh
Custom Apollo Link for background automatic JWT token refresh
Upgraded for Apollo 3.0 compat.
TypeScript, Jest, React, JWT, Apollo, GraphQL
>20k weekly downloads (August 2023)

Serverless OLAP with Seafowl and GCP
Seafowl is an early stage OLAP database. Added GCP bucket and Cloud Run support for “true” scale-to-zero.
Rust, Google Cloud Run, GCS object storage

Context API
My first commit upstream in the React project. (Thanks Dan for merging)
React, JavaScript, Docs

React ‘Minimum Viable Auth’ Integration
User auth without hosting your own backend
Auth0 API, TypeScript, Context API, React

Skaffold TypeScript support
Introduced TypeScript support to Skaffold, a k8s continuous development system
TypeScript, Kubernetes

Hetzner CSI Driver
Kubernetes native PVC support
YAML, Kubernetes
“Patrick, they are very pleased with your work and role and want that to continue and expand. You have proven to be an outstanding asset and they are looking forward to more from you.”
Greg R., President, Rampup Tech

Terraform Kubernetes setup module
Easily standup a low-cost k8s cluster using Terraform. Useful for stakeholder demos and ephemeral situations

Instant managed low cost k8s cluster
Similar to above, but managed, with
optional Rancher setup.

Trusted Types
Latest-gen browser security tech (shipping in Chrome) to help prevent XSS attack vectors
JavaScript, App/HTTP cross-layer nonce management, CSP, WordPress, Apache

Instant HTTP/3 client & server
Evaluate next-gen HTTP/3 features like
0-RTT and Connection ID
HTTP/3, aka ‘QUIC’, is currently in production by certain FAANGs

Storj node manifest
Earn passive income by leasing your storage resources into a decentralized cloud

Server config and best practices
I know how to earn an A+ on Mozilla Observatory and deliver top marks on Lighthouse
“He’s my hired gun.”
Jake K., Executive Creative Director, ASI
Products & Platforms

Popular photo/video licensing platform
Rails, React, Stripe + custom shopping cart flow, Redis, distributed job queue, AWS

Keet Health
Mobile app connecting physical therapy patients to providers
React Native, GraphQL, Rails, Fabric.

Fundraising & donation platform used by well-known US presidential candidates
Rails, jQuery, Stripe
“Wow, that did the trick! Thanks!”
Toni P., Microsoft MVP, link
Vintage homepage
Hand-written HTML5, CSS (Flexbox), JavaScript (jQuery)

B2B landing page
Bootstrap, hand-written HTML5, CSS with graceful degradation, JavaScript (jQuery)
HTML5 layout (written from scratch. CSS3, semantic HTML5, vanilla JavaScript ES5)
Flash, Web (the most vintage of vintage)
“You are talented, hard working, great attitude!”
Jess B., Senior Frontend Developer, Wirestone