As of today I’ve knocked off the second decade of my life. As usual, things don’t feel any different, even though I’m officially no longer a teenager. I still can’t drink in this country, but everywhere else I was already quite legal.
I can remember back when I was 10, everyone at St. Ann’s (my K-5 scholastic experience) invited everyone else to their birthday party by default. Xavier’s party was all about Mortal Kombat II on Sega CD, Graham Johnson’s had X-Men on regular Sega Genesis, and Mike Miller’s party was some Chuck E. Cheese’s-like place…with videogames too. I totally took it for granted back then that these kinds of group parties wouldn’t happen later.
So I decided to have some birthday resolutions since I didn’t do any for New Years and having a great party with my friends to drink and enjoy. I’m going to do something cool with web design. WordPress was the first foray, but XmlHttpRequest goodness through JavaScript is coming along with a full fledged site redesign…watch this space.